Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pen is better than keyboard: Expressing something in a classic way.

You are a struggling writer. You own things that may help you become  a writer. Things like  laptop, a keyboard,  notepad on phone, a real notebook, pen with an ink, or even typewriter might help you sort out ideas that you want to express. Are you a student wanting to shout out to the world how brilliant your ideas  are? A man who wants to give the universe to a lady you admire? A mom that needs to create a statement of how to handle things in a family matter? Or an ordinary person that wants to share to the world how beautiful your day was?

Feeling weary may be the worst thing that might happen to you within the day. Not knowing what to do, that you think you have something to do in the back of your mind.  Then your compulsive reactions would be taking your phone getting humors or latest news on your favorite social networking sites. This is just a moment of entertainment but there's still hesitation of not doing something you must do.

Best way of expressing yourself is through writing. Studies show that writing is one of a good habit to activate the neurons in your brain. Even if you're not a real writer as long as you know how to use a pen on a paper, then you can! Just take a deep breath and start. A single word can bring up a whole new idea or topic. You can do it with a notebook as a diary, a single paper writing to someone you would like to talk to or even address to yourself. In a situation wherein you are tensed, jotting down hesitations that you are thinking at that moment can help loosen up. It can boost up self confidence and for me it’s a way on stopping for a while in your life, knowing where you are in your journey, writing mistakes that one day you will be able to read and laugh at yourself saying "I have been through it, I learned a lot, thank you myself!".

How about writing to a dear friend that you missed a lot? It is a big relief writing something to someone you really want to talk to but that person is too far away from you. Though we already have means of communication through internet, let's accept the fact that all have separate lives. So writing a letter would be a big relief even though you won't send it, at least somewhere, somewhat in the near future he/she can read it. Though I'm not saying to keep it but sending it through real mail is better.

You can also write things you want to achieve in your life. This is putting your future on task, a secret to success. Just writing doubts or anything crazy  that is in your head will make you feel relieved.

Pen is more important than your keyboard.  Do it with a music classic music 🎼🎹🎹🎼 are the best, music with no lyrics helps your brain think more. Its not bad getting back to the classic way of writing. What's important is that if you want to look back, you can just grab the papers that you have penned and read it. Maybe you can read your experiences as well in your future children.
Hope this suggestions helped you sort out of your day. Please share as well as leave a comment of how good was it writing something today. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Doing a no no for real!

Doing something prohibited feels so good especially when you are with the people you make fun with. After all the sneak peaks, there was a time for bonding. It was really fun until one of my close friend came. It felt bad and not good. I'm so not doing it again. Something made me realize as well that we might not fit in really being friend. What if I am just with them to escape the reality that my other close friends and me are not in good terms.

 The thing is that I hate rejection. I am fully aware that my life is complicated due to my million reasons of over of which most of the time I can't manage to express. Being afraid of these and that made me become a perfectionist buddy. I can't afford of me, hurting myself again. Its just weird feeling this kind of thing to someone close to you. Maybe there is something in that someone that I must figure it out. But first let me focus on a thing called self love. What to do's and don'ts and how to manipulate it for me.

 So no no for complications, hello to the someone that I can call me.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I am M.

Thanks Jenna Hamilton for enlightening my mind! I would love to expose my emotions but why? If I have my close friends that I can lean and talk to anytime. I think I'm just gonna go with the flow, avoid negativity, and choose to be happy. I think that would justify my title, EUDEMONIA.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Friends? Is there really trust between two ties?

What if I'm just going to close myself for new comrades? I hate the feeling of being outcast again. But one thing is for sure, I miss my friends, the one that I love. Maybe they had their own ways that I can't get along with. Or maybe I have different world from them. My blog would mainly concern of friendships, trials, conflicts, and relationship with each other.  Or maybe it would just be me. I hate to say that knowing that there's a rule according to Dale Carnegie's book How To Win Friends And Influence People that one should never be self-centered to win others. Yeah it has its own definition but how the hell am I gonna know others if I'm struggling with myself? Everyday is a new beginning, this could be my new life. I can write as long as I want, enjoy as much as I could, and live the life I want it to be.

Eudemonia, my happiness to share to you guys who I am, my dreams, and my commands to the universe. Welcome!

ps. unfinished :)